The Nathansoftware team are proud to announce that we qualified for the national NZCSC Capture the Flag event.
The NZCSC is a ctf hosted by CROW and sponsored by Deloitte along with many others. The challenge included topics such as cryptography, web security, steganography, reverse engineering, social engineering, and digital forensics.
Challenges included use of common security and forensic tools such as Burpsuite, Binwalk, Ghidra, IDA, Boomerang as well as pen testing, scripting and secure programming.
CROW is a research group that focuses on six major themes: Provenance, User-Centricity, Visualisation, Economics, Hardware, and Tools & Datasets; to address the diminishing effectiveness of traditional cyber security approaches.

University of Waikato
- Round 0 (Qualifier)
- Stenography
- Forensic Analysis
- Web Vulnerability
- Advanced Web Vulnerability
- Image Extraction
- Buffer Overflow Exploitation
- Reverse Engineering
- Cryptography
- Social Engineering
Full writeups are available here.